To enhance our personal relationship with friends, clients and potential new clients, here is a blog of some highlighted events. Our studio's goal is to build personal relationships with our clients. It is our hope that this insight into the life of our studio enhances our pursuit of that goal by allowing you to get to know us a little better.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Guest Speaker at SPGNY

The Suffolk Photographers Guild of New York had a last minute cancellation for their evening program speaker. By last minute, I mean for that evening. Around lunchime, while I was out running some errands, I received a call on my cell phone asking if there was any way I could give a program that evening. I had done at least two previous programs for this group. I said I'd whip something together and be there. I got back to the studio and threw some graphics and software on my laptop with just enough time to head out to the meeting location out east on the Island.

I was greeted enthusiastically by the group of professional photographers attending the meeting and had a wonderful time presenting ideas on how photographers can separate themselves from the competition. A few of the key ideas I presented were the use of varying artistic backgrounds, new software and techniques to enhance and differentiate their images and how to better present their preview images to clients.

Here's what they said about the program:

"Hi Pete! I just wanted to thank you again for a terrific program last night! The speaker evaluation forms are still glowing! You did a great job! Thanks again for pinch hitting and putting together a great program for us! Take care and we'll see you soon!"

-Debbie Morrison, Vice President, Suffolk Photographers Guild of NY

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