To enhance our personal relationship with friends, clients and potential new clients, here is a blog of some highlighted events. Our studio's goal is to build personal relationships with our clients. It is our hope that this insight into the life of our studio enhances our pursuit of that goal by allowing you to get to know us a little better.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Guest Reader At Gribbin Elementary School

Each year Gribbin Elementary School in Glen Cove invites various leaders in the community to participate in a visit to the school to read to one of the classes. This year I had the privilege of once again being part of this great program. I read "Jumanji" to a second grade class. This was my fifth year participating. Four of the five years, I read to a class in which one of my children attended. This year it was my daughter Emily's second grade class.

Before reading to the class I had the opportunity to share how I make a living in photography. I showed them the different types of images I create. They were most excited to see the Aerial photos, especially the ones that showed their town, Glen Cove, from the air.

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