To enhance our personal relationship with friends, clients and potential new clients, here is a blog of some highlighted events. Our studio's goal is to build personal relationships with our clients. It is our hope that this insight into the life of our studio enhances our pursuit of that goal by allowing you to get to know us a little better.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Child Is An Honor Student

How many times have you gotten stuck behind one of those cars with the bumper sticker "My Child Is An Honor Student!"? All the things you mumble to yourself. Then one day the almost unimaginable happens. Your own child makes the Honor Roll. Next thing you know you're dusting off a spot on the bumper! Well, as proud as I am, I haven't given in yet to a bumper sticker, but I will give in to a post and a picture on this blog. Yes, that's my boy, Pete, receiving his honor pin for his first quarter in his first year in Middle School.