Welcome to the Peter M. Budraitis Photography BLOG!

To enhance our personal relationship with friends, clients and potential new clients, here is a blog of some highlighted events. Our studio's goal is to build personal relationships with our clients. It is our hope that this insight into the life of our studio enhances our pursuit of that goal by allowing you to get to know us a little better.

Friday, December 5, 2008

My Child Is An Honor Student

How many times have you gotten stuck behind one of those cars with the bumper sticker "My Child Is An Honor Student!"? All the things you mumble to yourself. Then one day the almost unimaginable happens. Your own child makes the Honor Roll. Next thing you know you're dusting off a spot on the bumper! Well, as proud as I am, I haven't given in yet to a bumper sticker, but I will give in to a post and a picture on this blog. Yes, that's my boy, Pete, receiving his honor pin for his first quarter in his first year in Middle School.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Guest Reader At Gribbin Elementary School

Each year Gribbin Elementary School in Glen Cove invites various leaders in the community to participate in a visit to the school to read to one of the classes. This year I had the privilege of once again being part of this great program. I read "Jumanji" to a second grade class. This was my fifth year participating. Four of the five years, I read to a class in which one of my children attended. This year it was my daughter Emily's second grade class.

Before reading to the class I had the opportunity to share how I make a living in photography. I showed them the different types of images I create. They were most excited to see the Aerial photos, especially the ones that showed their town, Glen Cove, from the air.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Guest Speaker at SPGNY

The Suffolk Photographers Guild of New York had a last minute cancellation for their evening program speaker. By last minute, I mean for that evening. Around lunchime, while I was out running some errands, I received a call on my cell phone asking if there was any way I could give a program that evening. I had done at least two previous programs for this group. I said I'd whip something together and be there. I got back to the studio and threw some graphics and software on my laptop with just enough time to head out to the meeting location out east on the Island.

I was greeted enthusiastically by the group of professional photographers attending the meeting and had a wonderful time presenting ideas on how photographers can separate themselves from the competition. A few of the key ideas I presented were the use of varying artistic backgrounds, new software and techniques to enhance and differentiate their images and how to better present their preview images to clients.

Here's what they said about the program:

"Hi Pete! I just wanted to thank you again for a terrific program last night! The speaker evaluation forms are still glowing! You did a great job! Thanks again for pinch hitting and putting together a great program for us! Take care and we'll see you soon!"

-Debbie Morrison, Vice President, Suffolk Photographers Guild of NY

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Friday, August 8, 2008

Long Island Photo Workshop

In an effort to stay fresh with new ideas and techniques, each year I attend one or more photo workshops. They can be anywhere from a full day to a week long. I spent this past week in a workshop with an artist who specializes in "photo painting". This is a technique where you use a photograph as a base to create what can only be described as a painting. Utilizing a special "Pen Tablet" you begin applying different types of brush strokes over the photograph. When completed the image takes on the very real appearance of either an "oil" type painting or a "water color" type painting. Several different software programs are utilized to achieve the appearance of the final images, including Corel Painter and Adobe Photoshop.

I really enjoyed the class. Merging photography, digital imaging and painting opened up a whole new spectrum of creativity. Now, as an added service, my photo studio clients can have the portraits we create really achieve the look of an artistic painting.

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Around Long Island Regatta

For the fourth year, I photographed the start of the Around Long Island Regatta from a helicopter. This annual sailboat race starts off the south shore of Long Island near Long Beach and the Rockaways on a Thursday. The race concludes at the mouth of Hempstead Harbor on the north shore, with most of the boats finishing on Saturday. The after race party is held at the Sea Cliff Yacht club where I present a slide show of the aerial images I created at the start of the race. Images can be viewed at: http://www.pmbphoto.com/gallery

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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sky High School Portrait

This June my son Pete will graduate from the fifth grade. It is his final year in elementary school. Next fall he begins Middle School. I was scheduled to do some aerial portraits of some real estate not far from the school. So, after attending the fifth grade spring concert the night before, I asked the school's principal if she would like me to fly by and take a portrait of the fifth grade class from the air. Of course she was delighted with the idea so we set up the arrangements. During school that day Pete had no sooner told his classmates how his dad was coming by in a helicopter than the sound of the approaching chopper could be heard, turning his classmates' skepticism into amazement.

The children were arranged behind a giant banner out in front of the school. From the helicopter I took a close-up shot of the group along with an overview shot of the group and the entire campus. I donated a framed wall portrait of the overview image that is displayed in the school lobby. I also had a composite print made up for each fifth grade student that included the group close-up and the overview shot.

There are certain times over the course of your career that you think to yourself, wow, this is why I do what I do. Seeing the look on my son's face after I landed in a helicopter at his school's parking lot and the pride he had when we handed out the print copies to all his classmates was one of those times. It was one of those moments Pete, myself, and many of his classmates will never forget!

Our local newspaper, The Gold Coast Gazette, featured a story on the photo. Click here to view a PDF of the reprint of the article.

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"State Award" at Annual Photography Conference

I just returned from the Professional Photographers' Society of New York State Annual Conference of Professional Photography held in Rye Towne, NY. My family joined me for the three day stay enjoying the pool and hotel amenities while I attended lectures.

During the formal banquet at the conclusion of the conference I was quite honored to be presented with the "State Award" by the organzation's president. The award was given for my "enthusiastic contributions to the advancement of professional photography".

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